solving problems
“it’s between me, my husband and the lord.”
this had been my answer to a few questions I have been asked. the most popular being “ when are you going to have kids?!”
In church and in the scriptures we talk about how God should be included in our daily lives and that we have a support system within the church that is organized that can help us too. In a therapy session i was shown the difference in weight that a 2 x 4 can hold when it is alone and or damaged. I took this as way to understand our relationships with our spouses. alone we are not as strong as we would be if there was another person. but also if we or that other person is “damaged” then we don’t live up to our full potential as a couple. this is where God comes in. if you think of a triangle it has 3 points right? think of the bottom left point as yourself and the bottom right point as your spouse and the top point as god. as you and your spouse grow closer to god you also grow closer to each other and having God at the center of your marriage is just a huge plus. you learn amazing qualities like how to trust in each other more and how love with a love more pure and how to serve each other. I have seen both perspectives in my marriage. the days that we are closer to God and the days we are not really do make a difference. we are also meant to council with each other over things we have questions for. like where to live, what to major in for school, and when to have kids. these counsels between husband, wife and God are special, very intimate and are not meant to be rushed by anyone. it is so important to council with our significant other during times that are difficult. this makes sure that communication is happening. i once heard a therapist say that they would rather have a couple communicating loudly than not communicating at all. so the next time you feel like giving your husband or wife the silent treatment, think about how important that relation ship is to you and what you are willing to do to make it a better and healthier relationship. There is a scripture that i read that is in 1 Corinthians and it states " And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it" so we really all are connected and should be supporting one another. In the talk where i read this scripture i also read how to lead with love. It says "Jesus taught that the first and greatest commandment in the law is to love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul and with all thy mind... And the second is like unto it, love thy neighbor as thyself." When we are showing love to the people around us we are showing love to God. That is why it is so important in a relationship to serve your spouse, Your husband or wife will be one of the most important people in your life and why not make sure that they feel needed and loved and protected. Yes i know it can be difficult sometimes but an old friend once told me that you both should be trying to give 100% into the relationship but there will be days that you will have to give more and days that your partner will have to give more, but that is also when, if included, God will help you though.
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