My First Blog Ever!
Hi everyone! My name is Olivia and I am going to tell you about
something my father taught me long ago… He taught me that family is everything.
As I have grown, I have come across doubt in points of my life with this statement
but have also found that in times of hardship, family is key to my needs as a
human being. On my great journey of life and learning I have come to realize
that family does not just encompass blood relations. Family can be mentors,
friends, a work team and people on your neighborhood block. Family, by
definition, is a group of people, two or more, related by birth, marriage or adoption
and living together. But my Father has taught me to love everyone like a
brother or sister. Families take care of another, or at least they are supposed
to. Families are to love, accept and help each other grow, or at least they are
supposed to. The idea of family in todays society is so greatly diverse that it
is causing us to question. We each have this idea of what a family is supposed
to look like but compared to this idea we have, that just seems so perfect, our
personal families look so broken. Missing parental figure/s, addictions,
arguments, misunderstandings, disabilities, values and opinions. All these things
make our family seem like its only a matter of time before something or someone
breaks. It makes me think, if family is everything then why does it seem so fragile?
Well, that’s where I would be wrong, the family is strong, the family is made by
God! The creator of all. In a video I watched for class it says “the contribution
of the family in society and in the achievement of developing goals continues
to be largely overlooked despite the fact that the family is key to solving
many world problems.”(1) This is important to me because it expresses how
capable the family unit is. If we choose to help nurture our families, they can
become stronger. In the eyes of God, every family is worth saving and is worthy
of being whole. I have such a love for my husband. Even though neither one of
us is perfect right now, I believe God has the power to make my little family
perfect with time. As my husband and I continue to learn each other and serve each
other we will develop a more perfect love so that one day when we have kids we
will be able to give them the love we would have developed together and will
continue to develop. My family is imperfect too but I know that I am not alone
in my struggles, God has been so active in my life especially this last month. I
know that if we just turn to him, say a prayer, thank Him and we continue to do
our best, He will help us. This I know with all my heart. I would like to
challenge anyone reading this to be thankful for the people you call family in
whatever way you give thanks. The family unit is such strong weapon against doubts,
fears, pain, heartache, illness and problems in general. Studies of families cant
deny the importance of a strong family unit and we are all capable of achieving
this one way or another, with our moms and dads or with our husbands and wives
or with whomever we call family, because that’s who they truly are to us. I
will always be thankful to my Father in Heaven for teaching me this.
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