
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Family is Unique

No two families are the same. They are all different. Each had its own specific and unique circumstances. This is the result of all of our different choices that we make throughout our lives. This week in class we talked about one family’s situation. This family was from Mexico and were trying to make a better life for themselves in the United States. For this family they dealt with the father leaving, friendships breaking and constant fear but hope for the future. We all deal with things in our families that other families or even our own have a hard time or choose not to understand. And that’s why we judge, because we don’t understand. Im not writing this so whoever is reading can just read this and nod their head in agreement and keep scrolling. No, I have more to say about this. My goal with this blog is to make people aware and to influence a change, no matter how small. I remember this story I read about this woman who had done something wrong who was going to get beaten with roc...

The Family and Society

"  We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society."                                      - The Family: A Proclamation to the World                       Hello all! Im back with a beautiful lesson I learned this week in my Family relations class. But first I would love to draw your attention to the quote at the top of the page. The family, as it says, is “ the fundamental unit of society.” This to me means that without the family unit our society as a whole would crumble. We can see how today “society” is very confused on what it means to be a family. Most don’t even know what qualifies as a family anymore. To me it has always been simple. Family is made and ordained by God and marriage is between a ...

My First Blog Ever!

  Hi everyone! My name is Olivia and I am going to tell you about something my father taught me long ago… He taught me that family is everything. As I have grown, I have come across doubt in points of my life with this statement but have also found that in times of hardship, family is key to my needs as a human being. On my great journey of life and learning I have come to realize that family does not just encompass blood relations. Family can be mentors, friends, a work team and people on your neighborhood block. Family, by definition, is a group of people, two or more, related by birth, marriage or adoption and living together. But my Father has taught me to love everyone like a brother or sister. Families take care of another, or at least they are supposed to. Families are to love, accept and help each other grow, or at least they are supposed to. The idea of family in todays society is so greatly diverse that it is causing us to question. We each have this idea of what a family...