
Understanding the Split

  There are so many things that happen when a family goes though a divorce. The family also goes through a lot when the parent gets remarried. Let’s talk about a few of the things that change between whole, divorced and remarried families. these examples are from the book Treating the Remarried Family. The first example that i would like to talk about is how in nuclear families having children is usually a common goal the couple shares. In a remarried family this isn’t always the case. In a nuclear family there could already be children from the father or mothers side. Also with the remarried couple they might have other obligations, like financial, to their previous family that they have to take care of and that could be putting a strain on the idea of the new couple having children. Another difference is that the bond of the nuclear family is still intact, strong and hasn’t been damaged or scarred in any way. On the other hand of this situation is the remarried family whose bonds...

A Parents Purpose

“Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations. The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, f...

A Fathers love

This week in class we talked about the influence a fathers presence has on his children. I love this topic because it brings great joy for me to be able to share about my own experiences with my father growing up and the things he has taught me. My father is such a gentle soul and a constant light in my life. He taught me how to fish, he taught me how to wash a car, check the oil, he taught me how to use a fire extinguisher and how to fold my clothes. He taught me so many things growing up for my life for the future too. he taught me how to be respected and be respectful, he taught me how to be a good listener. without even knowing it he taught me what i wanted in a future relationship. There are so many people out there are have already or are growing up without a father in the home. People like my husband. statistics show that young men who grow up without a father are more likely to get involved in dangerous activity like drugs and gangs. Young women who grow up without a father are...

solving problems

  “it’s between me, my husband and the lord.” this had been my answer to a few questions I have been asked. the most popular being “ when are you going to have kids?!” In church and in the scriptures we talk about how God should be included in our daily lives and that we have a support system within the church that is organized that can help us too. In a therapy session i was shown the difference in weight that a 2 x 4 can hold when it is alone and or damaged. I took this as way to understand our relationships with our spouses. alone we are not as strong as we would be if there was another person. but also if we or that other person is “damaged” then we don’t live up to our full potential as a couple. this is where God comes in. if you think of a triangle it has 3 points right? think of the bottom left point as yourself and the bottom right point as your spouse and the top point as god. as you and your spouse grow closer to god you also grow closer to each other and having God at t...

The family under pressure

  There are many things that put stress of families including work, social life, finances and children. As a young couple my husband and I have already had many financial difficulties, and social stressors and work problems. But it is comforting knowing that most all young couples have these new experiences when they first get married. As we continue to grow and mature, we are exposed to new kinds of challenges like graduating college, having children, and trying to settle down. I cannot begin to name all the things that cause stress in our family lives. That’s why it is such a good idea to have things that help you unwind and relax. In class we talked about the human response to stressful situations and that is the fight or flight response. The example my teacher shared with us was that one day you went hiking in the woods with your friends and a bear pops out and starts acting defensive, what happens to your body? Maybe your breathing speeds up, your eyes get wide and then a di...

Intimacy at its finest

This week in class we talked about relationships and intimacy. not just being intimate physically but also emotionally and mentally. this is something very close and important to me as i am married and am ever striving for a better relationship with my husband. Being intimate physically is sacred to me. Being intimate physically is creating a bong between husband and wife that is very deep and beautiful and significant. in fact it is so significant that it should only be experienced after marriage. this also means eliminating the feelings of arousal before marriage. no this doesn’t mean you can be attracted to some one but it just means to be careful to save those beautiful and precious feeling and actions for after you are married. marriage becomes that stepping stone for creating a family that is whole. Being present emotionally and mentally are equally important. It needs to be ok with both partners and understanding the needs of your partner through communication will strengthen yo...

Family Preparation

  today i would like to write on a more personal level. How does one go about preparing to have a family? how do we know it is time? how do we know we are ready to raise and teach children how to live in these times? these are some of the questions i have asked myself. i don’t know when i am supposed to have kids but i know right now is not the time for my husband and i. I feel like not all of these questions can even be answered but some, i feel like i am just counting on that, i will just know when i am ready. there are so many uncertainties in life when it comes to starting a family and many things you must prepare for. this alone has been a road block to me when it comes to the topic of having children. quite frankly i’m scared to have kids and right now i don’t want to have kids because of my fear. but then i have to ask myself, is that selfish? we believe that it is our duty, if we are able, to have kids when we get married. i have so many friends that have been married just ...