Homosexuality and the gospel


I watched a video today while I was on Pinterest looking for inspiration and I came across this video that said something I really liked. It’s a conversation between two young men, friends.

The first said “if you only knew the things that I do, the things that I’ve done. If there is a God, I don’t deserve His love.”

The second replied, “Here’s the thing, It’s not just you, its me too. Its every single one of us. We all deserve to be burning in Hell. Gods love is not something that you can be deserving of. Its not something you can earn. Jesus went up on that cross fully knowing that nobody deserved it but guess what? He did it anyway because He loves us. When He looks at you, He doesn’t see some awful, broken, sinning reject that cant be touched. No. when Jesus looks at you, he sees a heart that hasn’t been changed yet.”

I understood the moral of this story to be that not one person on this earth is more important or less worthy than another in the eyes of God. He loves us equally!  We are all loved, treasured and wanted the same.  

Now with that being established I want to jump into my topic homosexuality and the Gospel. This week in class we talked about homosexuality, specifically in men. This class was purely for educational purposes. There was no picking sides or arguments it was solely data analyzation. It was my choice to do this blog relating homosexuality to the gospel. I chose this because I wanted to share what we came to find and understand during this class. To start Homosexuality is not something you are born with. (for reference watch Understanding same-sex attraction by Family Watch International on youtube) second, being attracted to the same sex isn’t always a choice or accepted by these homosexual men. For many of these men there were experiences in their life like they were sexually assaulted or didn’t have a father figure present or did have a father figure but the relationship between the two was strained. Also there were cases when the men as boys were rejected or bullied by other boys and that led them to yearning to be accepted by them and then further down the line these desires were so deep they led to fantasizing about being accepted and loved by men which, with age, became sexualized which led to these feelings of “I must be gay.” Third, Studies also showed how depression and suicide rates are higher in these men. That means that gay men in places like Norway where the LGBT community has been widely accepted for a while now, still suffer with these mental issues. This also means that acceptance isn’t the key to solving the suicide or depression rate in the LGBT community. Like any person with a mental disability, I think the key is professional therapy. Therapy can be for anyone and from years of personal experience can be lifesaving. The type of therapy sought after is completely up to the person. Therapy is for those struggling with mental illness or parents of children struggling with mental illness. In the end it is all to help us heal. I do not believe that being gay or lesbian will stop you form ever feeling the love of God. He is understanding to all of us and loves us deeply. I believe that gay or not there is help. And I want to continue to educate myself on the matter of Homosexuality and continue to be sensitive to everyone around me.


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