
Showing posts from February, 2021

Intimacy at its finest

This week in class we talked about relationships and intimacy. not just being intimate physically but also emotionally and mentally. this is something very close and important to me as i am married and am ever striving for a better relationship with my husband. Being intimate physically is sacred to me. Being intimate physically is creating a bong between husband and wife that is very deep and beautiful and significant. in fact it is so significant that it should only be experienced after marriage. this also means eliminating the feelings of arousal before marriage. no this doesn’t mean you can be attracted to some one but it just means to be careful to save those beautiful and precious feeling and actions for after you are married. marriage becomes that stepping stone for creating a family that is whole. Being present emotionally and mentally are equally important. It needs to be ok with both partners and understanding the needs of your partner through communication will strengthen yo...

Family Preparation

  today i would like to write on a more personal level. How does one go about preparing to have a family? how do we know it is time? how do we know we are ready to raise and teach children how to live in these times? these are some of the questions i have asked myself. i don’t know when i am supposed to have kids but i know right now is not the time for my husband and i. I feel like not all of these questions can even be answered but some, i feel like i am just counting on that, i will just know when i am ready. there are so many uncertainties in life when it comes to starting a family and many things you must prepare for. this alone has been a road block to me when it comes to the topic of having children. quite frankly i’m scared to have kids and right now i don’t want to have kids because of my fear. but then i have to ask myself, is that selfish? we believe that it is our duty, if we are able, to have kids when we get married. i have so many friends that have been married just ...

Dating vs. Hanging out. Why it matters.

  What is dating to you? What does hanging out mean to you? We probably have different ideas of what these two are and how they are different. To me dating is pairing off with someone and doing an activity together, the point of dating is to get to know someone better. This is great because its ok to go on a date with someone and if you feel like he or she doesn’t have what you are looking for its ok to not go on a second date with them and to just leave it at that. But on the other hand, its great if you do go on a date and he or she does have what you are looking for then you can decide to continue dating them.     Many people understand dating as being in a relationship and or having sex. This comes with a good amount of commitment and pressure many people are not looking for when they first meet somebody. Now for hanging out. Hanging out is usually described as a group of people having fun, this could be a group of friends going to the mall or hanging out at someone’s...

Homosexuality and the gospel

  I watched a video today while I was on Pinterest looking for inspiration and I came across this video that said something I really liked. It’s a conversation between two young men, friends. The first said “if you only knew the things that I do, the things that I’ve done. If there is a God, I don’t deserve His love.” The second replied, “Here’s the thing, It’s not just you, its me too. Its every single one of us. We all deserve to be burning in Hell. Gods love is not something that you can be deserving of. Its not something you can earn. Jesus went up on that cross fully knowing that nobody deserved it but guess what? He did it anyway because He loves us. When He looks at you, He doesn’t see some awful, broken, sinning reject that cant be touched. No. when Jesus looks at you, he sees a heart that hasn’t been changed yet.” I understood the moral of this story to be that not one person on this earth is more important or less worthy than another in the eyes of God. He loves us ...